Performances in editing machine-generated codes. We report pass@1 and ERR (in parentheses). We use ChatGPT (the first row) to generate codes for problems from several benchmark datasets for code generation.
Table above reports the model performance in editing solutions generated from ChatGPT for problems in HumanEvalSynthesize, MBPP, and APPS. CoffeePots outperforms all open-source baselines, including Code Llama (13B), the previous SOTA among open-source code LLMs. Furthermore, CoffeePots shows better results than feedback-augmented Code Llama (13B), i.e., prompted with Self-Refine and Self-Debug, suggesting the effectiveness of our strategy on generating feedback. In addition, while some open-source code LLMs show almost no improvement in MBPP and APPS (i.e., 0% ERR), CoffeePots shows moderate improvements on these benchmarks (i.e., up to 7.5% ERR). Compared to closed-source baselines (i.e., ChatGPT), CoffeePots achieves competitive results particularly on HumanEvalSynthesize and MBPP, showing that our framework can serve as a strong alternative to closed-source LLMs while being publicly available and much smaller in size.